黃志豪(Noble Wong),香港全職壁畫家、插畫家、寫生畫家。熱愛寫生,希望透過寫生時的觀察及與環境的互動,加深對城市的了解。尤其對城市景觀、建築物、歷史及文化情有獨鍾。也希望透過不斷探索主題、風格、繪畫媒材,開拓更多創作上的新路向。
他以優異成績畢業於多媒體碩士學位之後,2015年成立Noble Sketchbook藝術工作室。曾參與多個大型插畫與壁畫工作,包括與藝術中心及大型品牌合作的壁畫丶機場文化藝術節丶上海街618重建項目丶西營盤ARTLANE壁畫丶社區藝術「城市閘誌」,以及「大館」的活化工程。
Noble Wong, a full-time muralist, illustrator, and sketch artist in Hong Kong. He loves urban sketching, and hope to learn more about the city through observation and interaction with the environment. He especially fond of urban landscapes, buildings, history, and culture. He also hope to open up more new creative directions through continuous exploration of themes, styles, and painting materials.
After graduating with distinction award from his Master's degree in Multimedia, he established Noble Sketchbook art studio in 2015. He has participated in many large-scale illustration and mural projects, including murals in collaboration with Hong Kong Arts Centre and large corporate brands, the Hong Kong International Airport Art and Cultural Festival, the 618 Shanghai Street renovation mural project, the Sai Ying Pun ARTLANE mural project, community art project "HK Urban Canvas" and the revitalization project of "Tai Kwun".